- in Dev Updates, New SBK

Ask and you shall be given: here are the most frequently asked questions

We hope you’re as excited as we are about this new chapter in the SBK Official Mobile Game series!

This FAQs section is intended to answer the most pressing questions you may have regarding the upcoming brand-new SBK Official Mobile Game.

However, if you have a question that isn’t answered below, please keep an eye on our Facebook feed and don’t hesitate to join our Discord server – we’ll be doing our best to answer additional questions in the coming days.

What’s new compared to SBK16?

  • All the tracks, teams and bikes of the 2020 Superbike World Championship season 
  • Development system: Experience Points are earned by racing, which allows levelling up
  • Garage screen, where bikes can be tuned and upgraded until they reach peak performance
  • Engine Wear and Motorbike Integrity mechanics: as in real life, motorcycle components may suffer damage or deteriorate over time, so Replacement Engines and Repair Kits will be needed
  • Daily Login Rewards, granting bonus in-game items for playing every day
  • Daily Quests, including challenges and special goals to attain in exchange for rewards
  • Enhanced physics based on a more realistic and fluid handling model, with an arcade slant
  • Advanced graphics with higher-quality 3D models and textures for added realism, and new effects such as motion blur conveying an increased sense of speed, skids and particle system
  • Improved A.I. featuring life-like behaviors and dynamic performance adjustment based on machine learning
  • Enhanced Rider Animations supporting inverse kinematics
  • Extra control setup including auto-acceleration for a more casual gaming experience
  • Realistic Difficulty level, disabling all riding aids (anti-skid braking and traction control systems, assisted braking and steering) 


When can I play the new game?

A Closed Beta version of the new SBK Official Mobile Game is available since early February for us to gather feedback from the most hardcore fans of the series and to make any adjustments and improvements to the game (you can join the Beta program by signing up through this online form). The game will likely be officially released at the end of Q3 2021.


What are the minimum hardware requirements for joining the SBK Closed Beta Program?

You should be able to play the Closed Beta version (albeit with low graphic and performance settings) with a device running Android 8 or higher, such as a Samsung Galaxy S7 to S9, OnePlus 5 or more recent model, with around 4 GB of RAM; or at least an iPhone 6S or 7 (and equivalent iOS devices like iPhone SE, iPad 5th gen), with 2 GB of RAM. 

Let us say that any high-end devices newer than 2016 on iOS or 2017 on Android are a relatively safe bet and should run the beta version smoothly. Any 2021 device should work fine, including mid-tier or low-tier models.

NOTE: Setting lower-quality graphic effects in the Options menu should allow even lower-spec devices to run the game properly, but we cannot guarantee full support for them. Please, report any performance issues during your testing of the Beta version, so we can gradually improve our support for a wider range of devices by tuning graphic quality and performance accordingly.

How can I download and install the Beta Code on my iOS device?


    1. In order to install work-in-progress apps on your device, you must first go to the App Store and download “TestFlight”. 
    2. Once TestFlight has been successfully installed, log in with the same email address you use as your Apple ID which you also provided in the SBK Closed Beta Enrolment Form. 
    3. You should receive an email from TestFlight, inviting you to test the SBK Closed Beta. Please, click on the blue button underneath the SBK icon to proceed.
    4. That will launch the TestFlight app, with the SBK icon displayed in it. Tap
      Install” next to it in order to install the SBK Beta (we suggest you use a stable Wi-Fi connection for the download).
    5. Once the download is complete, you can open the game directly from the TestFlight app or your Home screen. Review and accept the prompts displayed by TestFlight and you are ready to ride!


How can I download and install the Beta Code on my Android device?


    1. Click on a link below and accept the invitation to join the SBK Closed Beta program:
      1. [On Android] 
      2. [On the Web] 
    2. Once accepted, you will be redirected to the store, where you can download the Beta version (we suggest you use a stable Wi-Fi connection for the download). Once the download is complete, you will be ready to ride!

How can I report bugs during the Closed Beta program?


Please, report any errors, performance and technical issues you experience during testing through this Bug Submission Form.

How can I provide feedback during the Closed Beta program?


Please, let us have any comments and suggestions through your favorite channel, among the contact options provided in the “Talk To Us” section inside the game, accessible from the Main Menu.

Once you are done testing this version, please let us know what you think about the current state of the game by filling in this quick Beta Tester Survey.


On what platforms will the game be available?

SBK Official Mobile Game will be available for download on Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Will the game be Free to Play?

Yes, the game will be free to play, no need to buy the game in order to play it.

Will the game be multiplayer?

We know you are looking forward to playing SBK Official Mobile Game with your friends and other motorbike racing fans, and we are working on that, although real-time multiplayer will not be available on launch. Yet we promise you that the game will be regularly updated with additional features and content, gradually turning into a more satisfying and competitive experience, eventually including both asynchronous and online multiplayer modes.

Will this game feature the tracks, bikes and riders from the latest Superbike World Championship season?

Yes, from now on the SBK Official Mobile Game will follow the current or latest WorldSBK season more closely. The year indication has actually been removed from the game’s title, because we want to update it more regularly in the future: there is going to be only one SBK Official Mobile Game, offering frequent content and features updates to grant a fresh and engaging experience at all times. 

Will the game have a career mode?

A career mode is planned but will not be readily available in the early versions of the game.

Will the game have a cockpit camera option?

Cockpit view will not be available on launch, since it was used by a very limited number of gamers in previous releases and it is technically challenging to implement, but we are ready to change that in case more fans request it.

Will the game include MFi controller support on iOS?

The game will support both MFi and Android-compatible controllers, although not in the closed beta version coming soon. We’re definitely going to implement this feature in future versions.

Will the new game be fully online?

Not necessarily: some online features and game modes will definitely require a network connection to work but we’re still evaluating offline modes and/or data synching functionalities allowing players with an unstable connection to also play while they’re offline and then align their game data once a connection becomes available. That would imply complex technical solutions, though, so we cannot confirm anything at this early stage. 

Are you going to update SBK16?

No, SBK16 is not going to be updated anymore, as we’ll be working full-time on developing and improving the brand new version: there will only be one SBK Official Mobile Game, regularly updated with new features and content.

Can you release a gameplay or trailer video on YouTube?

We’re definitely going to release trailer and gameplay videos as soon as possible, but they will mostly come along at a later stage in production. In the meantime, we’ll be happy to share some work-in-progress videos here on our blog and/or on our social media channels.


That’s all folks! Should you have any more questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below, on the Contact Us page or on our Discord server, so that we can add them to the above FAQs.

 Catch up with you soon!


  1. I practiced cockpit view in sbk16 now I play flawlessly.Please add it in the new game

  2. Just Larrx

    Is the lean angle realistic in this new game? SBK16 lean angle was like 45 degrees which looked like the bike wasn’t even leaning while taking corners.Please fix it in the new game.goodluck Dev’s 👍

    1. I suggest you test the closed beta version as soon as available and let us know what you think about the leaning angle: we’ll be happy to improve it and make it more realistic, based on your indications.

      1. Just Larrx

        And when is the Closed beta coming?

        1. End of January-early February.

    2. We rebuilt the game’s physics from scratch and we invite you to test the beta version as soon as available, so you can help us make the leaning as realistic as possible for a mobile game 🙂

      1. Just Larrx

        Copy that Dev’s 👮👮

  3. Apakah game ini akan mendukung handphone/smartphone tingkat rendah

    1. Gim ini akan mendukung perangkat sebanyak mungkin dan bukan hanya perangkat kelas atas, tetapi kami belum dapat memberikan persyaratan perangkat keras minimum akhir.

  4. Resa Saputra

    Saya menunggu versi Beta sesegera mungkin , saya sangat bersemangat, harapan saya untuk game ini semoga riding style bisa diubah

    1. Halo yang disana!

      Kami senang mendengar Anda menantikan untuk menguji versi beta dari Game Seluler Resmi SBK yang baru. Kami juga berharap model fisika dan penanganannya lebih baik, lebih realistis, tetapi dapat diakses pada saat yang bersamaan.

      Salam Hormat,

  5. My phone is android 9.0 and is 3gb ram.Does that mean the game won’t run in my phone? Or will there be graphics settings?

    1. The game may not run smoothly on your device, but you may want to try lower graphic settings in the options menu.

  6. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    we fans of the SBK 16 game from Indonesia hope that the new version of the SBK 16 game will quickly come out on the play store I hope there is an Indonesian Mandalika circuit. Thank you we will wait for the game update

    1. We’re doing our best to deliver a new SBK Official Mobile Game by end of April this year.
      Any track from the official World Superbike Championship calendar will be included in the game.

  7. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    For digital tales, if possible, this game will have an update in terms of overtaking and the drivers’ accidents to make it more real, just like in the real world, thank you, we are waiting for the update.

  8. Muhammad Rizky Azhim Indonesia

    Hai developer game sbk 16 masih inget dengan saya kan, saya mau sedikit perubahan di game ini kalau pas mau pvertaking jangan kayak di versi beta karena menurut saya itu cukup sulit bagi player untuk overtaking semoga permohonan gua didengar oleh developer, terima kasih

  9. Mohammed Zaid

    Will it be release in India?…if yes, when?

    1. Hi there Mohammed, thanks for your question. In the upcoming update, we are planning to include a World Wide Launch so stay tuned for upcoming announcements!

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